This is, without a doubt, the most queer looking thing I have ever seen in my life. It looks like there should be a caption that reads, "Yah, Yah, shower us wit za love juice, Yah!" I mean come on, their names are "Trix" and "Flix." The fudgepackers union are clearly behind this. This is why Footy can't be popular in America yet, because we here in America want "real man" sports. Take the Miller Lite Man-law ads. Enough said. If footy would just "Man-up" when it presents itself to America, then maybe it could become popular here.
I got news for you, son, UEFA couldn't care less about reaching football fans in the U.S., especially when it comes to their European Championship that comes every four years. For my money, I'd take the EURO championship over the World Cup, considering the rigourous qualification process that all nations--included the top seeds--have to deal with. In the World Cup, you only have to qualify by playing teams in your geographical quadrant, so teams like Australia and Mexico and the United States will always qualify because of their inferior opposition. All you have to do is look at England's group (4 way tie with Croatia, Israel, and Macedonia I beleive) to know that qualifying for EURO ain't easy. And for my money UEFA has it's shit together a lot more than FIFA does, maybe that has something to do with the amount of ground they cover.
I did a poor job of explaining myself above, all I meant is that UEFA has so much homegrown, European support that it could have Teddy Ruxpin and Tickle Me Elmo as mascots and every seat for every match would still sell out. Football is like being a mortician; it ain't going anywhere. There's nothing on the horizon that would even slightly suggest that footy in Europe is in trouble and therefore needs to seek support overseas. And guess what--as depicted by the visual Sambo was so nice to provide--it looks like if UEFA is, in fact, going overseas for more support, it's going in the opposite direction, as in Asia. Look at those guys, they look like something out of Akira. UEFA is no chump, they know the world's most populous region will lap this type of publicity up. Plus I'm not sure how things go everywhere else, but in 2004 American footy fans had to pay over $350 for tv coverage of every game, and I'm pretty sure even that was available through DirectTV. So not only do you have to be rollin' deep to watch quality footy, you best have a dish as well. Not a good formula for spreading the love of what is internationally recognized as the people's game.
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