Guys, we have to do everything in our power to land some media credentials for Euro 2008. I know it's next summer, but we have to pool our resources and figure it out. We need to be in Switzerland and Austria for this gig, we just gotta. Think about how sweet that would be, living it up at Europe's biggest football party, having no agenda other than going to games and writing about them...that, my friends, is a dream job.
actually, it's the summer after next. We need to focus on Spring Break 07 Amsterdam for now
I've been focused. All I need from you and James are dates. And about 300 bones so I can secure our highly affordable round trip airfare.
March 15th around four thirty in the eve, is when i'm off...for three weeks.
guys i was planning a trip to the hay lit festival and it might sap my bones or clams or whatever you call them
my spring break starts whenever I am done with classes on the 9th of March (friday). So we'll have to fin-agle a way to get this done
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